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Sunday, 5 October 2014

Despite of electronic media , internet , video , audio and other source of information and knowledge , Books are still an ideal and comprehensive of getting information knowledge and to be honest , we think that there is no alternative of a Book . Many of us think that books are dead now because of the PC and the internet but it is totally untrue . Now its shape/name got changed , Now this is said e book. 
There are tons of websites exist on the internet where you can read free books online and as well as many of the websites offer downloadable books that you can download to read later . If you are an e book lover and you have a huge collection of e books which is now becoming hard to manage then Calibre can help you to handle all this . You can use calibre without paying a single penny because it is a free and open source e-book library management application developed by Calibre-ebook.com . 

Calibre 2.5.0 For Windows, MAC, Linux, Portable Free Download

What can do Calibre ?

Calibre comes with a smart "Library Management" feature
Calibre has ability of E-book conversion
Calibre allows Syncing to e-book reader devices
Calibre can download news from the internet and convert it into e-book form
Calibre comes with a comprehensive e-book viewer
Calibre has a content server for online access to your book collection

More at here .


Calibre is made for Windows , MAC and Linux users and it is 100% free software . Recently has been released its new and improved version , Calibre 2.5.0

Click here to download Calibre 2.5.0 for Windows .

Click here to download Calibre 2.5.0 for Windows Portable  .

Click here to download Calibre 2.5.0 for MAC.

Click here to download Calibre 2.5.0 for Linux.

MyPCBackup is a free tool which will automatically backup your whole computer, saving your documents, photos, music and more. If you update a file or save something new it will automatically back it up for you.


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